Topsoe Ammonia Plant Manager

The game application Haldor Ammonia Plant Manager has since its launch been played more than X times. Haldor Topsoes has launched a mobile learning application that offers value for students all over the world with real insight to practical work and solutions that can back up theoretical knowledge and foundation. The game app lets students connect with experts within their field and a chance to test their own knowledge and capabilities by solving tasks in a realistic environment. Topsoe Plant Manager is all about making the smart choices that keep the production high and downtime low – while never compromising on safety. To win, you have to solve the triple challenge of: Choosing the right catalyst for the job, keeping downtime to a minimum, and staying safe. The player with the highest score wins.




Game-based mobile and web application for engineering students


Haldor Topsoe


3DUnity, mobile application


Strong employer branding is important for the ability to attract the next generation of talent to your business. Investing in the employee branding strategy has shown to give greater return than company branding, and more and more companies are turning to gamification to make for innovative ways to reach out to a new audience. Learning-based frameworks and game solutions are great brand-building tools because they have a flexible and customizable character. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all”. A business can easily scale and customize a digital game-based solution to fit varied segments of their target group, making it a very cost-efficient tool.

Haldor Topsoe, the world’s leading business in high-performance catalysts and proprietary technology for the chemical and refining industries, contacted Serious Games Interactive to help them reach out to universities and engineering students. As other companies Haldor Topsoe faces the challenge of cutting through a competitive landscape with multiple factors that shape the choices of future candidates. Haldor Topsoe set out with a clear mission: They wanted to give students a profound insight not only to the reality of the work that awaits most of them after university, but also to help support the theoretical foundation with key practical experience that only the industry can provide. Using a game provides a fun and entertaining way to get students immersed in solving complex work tasks while interacting directly with the brand.


We came up with a mobile game application Haldor Ammonia Plant Manager. The app is an educational gamebased tool combining theoretical and practical aspects to help improve student’s knowledge and skills in a realistic environment. By tapping into well-tested methods of psychology, game and behavioral economics we designed a fun and entertaining digital brand universe that represents the core mission and values of Haldor Topsoe: The profound passion for science, continuous drive for perfecting services and processes and to make a positive impact on future businesses.

The Haldor Ammonia Plant Manager app gives engineering students a chance to improve knowledge about the ammonia production and the design of ammonia throughout the catalysts processes. The game lets students become a certified Haldor Topsoe Ammonia Plant Manager who has to manage the design of the ammonia plant production. The game is designed as a learning journey in which the students can grow and earn points.

The students are set up on a journey to solve tasks such as choosing the right catalysts for different reactors and he will be granted points for choosing wisely. This does not necessarily mean that there is one “right” answer. The game is designed to make the student reflect on how the process has a variety of potential outcomes and how he/she, being the responsible manager, will have to consider the different consequences and make important prioritization along the way. The student is not left to his own thoughts, as he is greeted by his two virtual colleagues at Haldor Topsoe, who are ready to give a helping hand. The student is encouraged to continuously seek new information in the Q&A section and to read all details with careful attention while also keeping in mind that time is money. All of this ultimately gives the student a fun, challenging and entertaining experience while supporting his/her learning curve.

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